
export class AutoModerationActionExecution
export class AutoModerationActionExecution
Represents the structure of an executed action when an AutoModerationRule is triggered.
The action that was executed.
alertSystemMessageId:Snowflake | null
The id of any system auto moderation messages posted as a result of this action.
autoModerationRule:AutoModerationRule | null
The auto moderation rule this action belongs to.
The channel where this action was triggered from.
channelId:Snowflake | null
The id of the channel where this action was triggered from.
The content that triggered this action. This property requires the GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent privileged gateway intent.
The guild where this action was executed from.
matchedContent:string | null
The substring in content that triggered this action.
matchedKeyword:string | null
The word or phrase configured in the rule that triggered this action.
member:GuildMember | null
The guild member that triggered this action.
messageId:Snowflake | null
The id of the message that triggered this action. This will not be present if the message was blocked or the content was not part of any message.
The id of the auto moderation rule this action belongs to.
The trigger type of the auto moderation rule which was triggered.
user:User | null
The user that triggered this action.
The id of the user that triggered this action.